Real Ear Measurement

Real Ear Meassurment webIn the past, hearing evaluations and fittings for hearing aids consisted mostly of a series of beeps and noises. Today, Doctors of Audiology are equipped with new technologies and methods to make the hearing evaluation process and hearing aid programming process more effective.
One of the more advanced technologies available is Real Ear Measurement (REMs), a method of fitting for hearing aids using speech as a stimulus to help the Doctor adjust hearing aids to the right settings for each wearer. Real Ear Measurements makes fitting appointments more interactive and can reduce the number of office visits required for successful hearing aid programming.

What are Real Ear Measurements?

Real Ear Measurements are a hearing aid verification method that is used to ensure that your hearing aids are programmed for your individual needs. With this method, small microphones placed in the ear canal are used to measure the response of the hearing aid in your ear taking into account the natural and individual characteristics of both your ear and your hearing loss.

Our Audiologists will have high-tech equipment that will allow them to “see” what you are hearing through your hearing aids on a screen in real-time. This allows both you and your family members to visualize and understand the differences that hearing aids can make in your hearing ability.

Benefits of Real Ear Measurements

Real Ear Measurements are Audiological Best Practices, and are known for their accuracy. Without Real Ear Measurements, other methods to program your hearing aid may require additional adjustments. Real Ear Measurements are the industry Gold Standard and increases the chances that your hearing aid programming will be done correctly on the first try.

Real Ear Measurements also creates a much more positive fitting experience by allowing both you and your family to see the immediate results of your hearing aids and their positive impact on your ability to hear. Both you and your family will be engaged in the fitting process, making it a joint affair.

If you have a hearing loss, you may not be able to fully understand what you can and cannot hear, and therefore, you may not understand everything you are missing. With Real Ear Measurements, you will have the ability to hear the improvements immediately, and you will be shown exactly what you can and cannot hear in real-time.

Benefits of Real Ear Measurements:

  • Focuses on the important and basic function of being able to effectively hear human speech
  • Engages both you and your family in the fitting process
  • Provides immediate and tangible results
  • Shown to increase successful outcomes of fittings
  • Increases your confidence and comfort in using your new hearing aids
  • Provides more accurate programming of hearing aids
  • Reduces number of return visits

Contact your Doctor of Audiology to find out how Real Ear Measurements can provide you with a more enjoyable hearing aid mapping experience.